System personalization is one of the primary activities of AKS LLC.
Ultimately we meticulously cater to any unique requirements our customers might have in the framework of Retail Pro software.
Transfer of the receipt to fiscal register and printing
Accommodation for different kinds of receipts (sale/return…)
Accommodation for cash / credit card types of payment
Full support of store benefits program
Automatic cashbook support
Full support of cashbook reports
Storage of the templates and automatic
numeration of the additional forms
and 1C:Accounting
Automatic uploading of the data to the ftp-server supported by 1C:Accounting
Automatic downloading of data to the
1C:Accounting from the ftp-server
Collecting and storing information into a file for future uploading into one of the Retail Pro documents
Items database transfer into the data terminal for inventory checks, receiving and transferring the merchandise
Banking POS-terminal is completely managed via Retail Pro
Payment confirmation and completion of the
transaction in an automatic mode